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joe's commonplace
katie always gets me two cards 😍.

No. 10

/ 2 min read

This post is a retrospective on 5/1.

hours of sleep


poi (points of interest)

song stuck in my head


  • can’t believe i’ve been on earth for 35 years. who would’ve thunk it?
  • i’m thankful for all the well wishes and love people sent me over the last few days. a house is fine birthday gift.
  • i’m glad i’m not drake LOL
  • i’m becoming a broken record and will be for a while, but we have a f---ing HOME. i can’t get over it. i find myself daydreaming about what we will do soon
  • having work friends.


  • needed to get some things together for monday
  • outback is on its way to carmax

food log



  • bang cookie
  • mixed rice, chicken, spinach

habit tracking

  • drink 80oz water
  • read
  • [] protein
  • vitamins & supplements
  • [] meditate
  • training and/or mobility (link to log)


  • katie and i had a ton of plans and/or errands we could have run but after picking up our home and after no immediate deadlines, we took the opportunity to… relax lol everything has been feeling a million miles a minute, so we were happy to have a calm, relaxing evening in our clean home with the best cat in the world.