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joe's commonplace
we ... own a home!?

No. 9

/ 2 min read

This post is a retrospective on 4/30.

hours of sleep


poi (points of interest)

  • i loved waking up with katie thinking about this moment. it felt like christmas.
  • closing day. what a day. probably one of the most surreal moments is realizing you own a home.
  • one part hype. one part scared. one part… disbelief? like who let us do this? lol
  • but also immense pride… i’m so proud of katie and i.
  • the sellers were wonderful and so accommodating. we got lucky for sure.
  • they had a mini plaque on the door céad míle fáilte

song stuck in my head


  • we have a home. a home to ourselves. i don’t know that i cared that much about owning a home growing up. but since monday, i couldn’t get over the idea that this house … whole house was truly ours. i rolled the words “our home” in my mind over and over again. it’s an amazing feeling.
  • to have a wonderful home our child will grow in. that we will have a place at all.
  • thankful for so many of our friends that shared their perspectives and stories about moving
  • aunt colleen has been a literal saint throughout this moving process
  • our family’s support and love throughout this pregnancy and house hunting
  • i love how green and tree filled the neighborhood is
  • i could go on, but i’ll save it for other dailies.


food log

  • coffee
  • chit chat diner with aunt colleen
    • i think i got the fig jam burger? pretty good.

habit tracking

  • drink 80oz water
  • read
  • protein
  • vitamins & supplements
  • [] meditate
  • [] training and/or mobility


  • i might as well do a post about this: what is the american dream?