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joe's commonplace
paint swatches, and too many choices.

No. 8

/ 1 min read

This post is a retrospective on 4/30.

hours of sleep


poi (points of interest)

  • literally can’t remember a lot of sunday haha i know there were some errands here and there.
  • ohhh i went grocery shopping.
  • excited about our paint picks

song stuck in my head

can’t remember


  • more laundry, more cleaned, took it all in before tomorrow 😵‍💫
  • katie has been handling it all so well


food log

  • i honestly can’t remember what i ate lol wow i guess i was nervous. i did order lamb and chicken shawarma.
  • i think i had a pb&j?

habit tracking

  • drink 80oz water
  • read
  • [] protein
  • vitamins & supplements
  • [] meditate
  • training and/or mobility (link to log)


i was feeling a range of things… a mix of tired but wired. anticipation and nerves but hopeful.