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joe's commonplace
the all-day sunday sauce with rigatoni

No. 1

/ 2 min read

poi (points of interest)

  • sometimes if i don’t know what i’m feeling, it’s better to pause.
  • fixing the immediate problem may require a little time away.
  • financial planning session with katie
  • made all-day sunday sauce.
  • finally updated the site and with the help of yosmanprogrammer, got the new collections working.
  • yesterday - golfed, did well for my first time out compared to years past. bombed a drive for 314 yards - my longest drive during a round! - test drove a used subaru outback onyx xt, and used lexus nx300 … i think i preferred the outback? but i’m not sure if i’m biased. hoping to test drive the acura rdx this week.

”a proton compared to the width of your hair, is like a grain of salt compared to the entire earth.” cleo abram, what’s really happening at CERN

song stuck in my head


  • i’m still filled with so much joy thinking about building a home with katie and welcoming our baby boy to our family. it’s surreal, incredible, scary, emotional, but wonderful all at the same time. i feel lucky to be on this ride.
  • i’m excited about our new home. i don’t know that i ever, in my life, imagined that i’d own a home in the suburb of new york city. as a kid, i always loved the idea of being in the big apple, but didn’t believe that would actually happen and if it did, i’d be a broke artist, struggling for his big break on broadway.


  • presenting at the company meeting this week 😵‍💫
  • closing next monday 🏡
  • build out garden section on site
  • finish Beloved tomorrow. what a doozy.
  • grocery shopping this week
  • amazon items for our hospital bags

habit tracking

  • drink 80oz water
  • read
  • protein
  • vitamins & supplements
  • meditate
  • training and/or mobility (link to log)


will start to take this list with seriously tomorrow now that i have this set up.